Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets

Every Thanksgiving and Christmas the church selects several families in need to bless during the holidays with a food basket filled with everything they would need to complete a meal for that day.

Backpack Drive

Our Youth Ministry collects back to school supplies each fall to donate to needy youth in the Norfolk School district. For more info please contact Nicole Daye. 

Food Pantry

Donations from our Food Pantry go to help our local Foodbank. If you are interested in participating please speak with Deacon. Raymond or Deaconess Marilyn Caffee for more info. 

Operation Andrew

Operation Andrew was created after Pastor Marc met fellow VUU student Andrew and was told about the plight of Africans in Liberia. WABC collects gently used clothing, household goods, books, toys and even aspirin and first aid items. Those items are then boxed and shipped out by the Missions Ministry team. The efforts have been very successful thus far and we thank you for your continued donations. 

Donations can be dropped off at the church on Sundays and Wednesdays during bible study or our morning service.